Euralex 2008
XIII Euralex Internacional Congress
25 years studying dictionaries

July 15 - 19 2008

EURALEX 2008. Guidelines for contributors

We remind all contributors that the final paper will only be included in the Proceedings if we have received the paper and at least one of the authors has registered and paid for congress participation by March 30, 2008. We have an extremely tight publication schedule to ensure the volume will be ready for distribution in July and consequently the March 30th deadline is firm and no exceptions will be made.


1. General guidelines

All manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail as a MS Word or RTF file to the address If you use any special characters or a different alphabet, you may also send us a PDF file.

IMPORTANT! All the images, tables, graphs and figures included in the text must be sent in separate files together with the original text regardless of its format (Excel, JPG, etc.). It is not compulsory to insert them into the text; you can just mention the file name.

Format guidelines for submissions

  • Font: Times New Roman, 12pt
  • Spacing: single-spaced
  • Number of pages:
    (Please note that the page limit includes references)
    • Full Papers: 14 pages
    • Short Papers: 10 pages
    • Student Papers: 8 pages
    • Software Demonstrations and Posters: 6 pages

Typographic instructions

  • Please do not use complex typography in section headings
  • Do not indent paragraphs.
  • In order to highlight a word or phrase use italics. Do not use boldface, UPPER CASE or underlining.
  • Use the typographic apostrophe (for example: Janet's and not Janet's).
  • Use the typographic quotation marks (" ", and not " "), which are the same as those used in the reference section.
  • For texts written in French, please note that, contrary to standard use in that language, no space must be left before punctuation signs, under any circumstances.
  • All tables, figures and examples must be cited in the text and numbered.
  • Use footnotes (do not use endnotes).
  • Please note that references must be cited in the text and not in a footnote, indicating between brackets the author's last name, year of publication and/or page or pages. For example: Scalise (1983: 67-69), Wanner (1997).

Screen captures must be done with the best possible resolution. The free screen capture program XnView is recommended.

All works referred to in the text must be listed in the reference section at the end of the article or book chapter and should follow the guidelines below.

2. Guidelines for citing documents quoted in the text

Please give complete information including the name of all authors, place of publication, publisher, etc. For articles and book chapters, please indicate page numbers. The place of publication should be written in the same language as the article itself (e.g. an article written in Italian uses Parigi; an article written in Spanish uses Londres, etc.).

Write your references following the model:

a. Books

Last name, First name initial. (Year). Book Title. [optional: edition number.] Place of publication: Publisher.

When necessary, use the abbreviation for editor or edited by (ed.) or (eds.), or director or directed by (dir.) or (dirs.) after the name of the author and before the year of publication. Include the name of the first author and use the abbreviation (et al.) only when the work has more than three authors.


  • Rondeau, G. (1983). Introduction à la terminologie. 2nd ed. Chicoutimi: Gaëtan Morin.
  • Sager, J.-C.; Dungworth, D.; McDonald, P. (1980). English Special Languages: Principles and Practice in Science and Technology. Wiesbaden: Brandstetter.

b. Dictionaries

Title. [optional: edition number.] Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

Dictionaries on floppy disk, CD-ROM or in on-line format must be cited as electronic resources (see below).


  • Nuovo Dizionario Spagnolo-Italiano / Italiano-Spagnolo. Torino: Paravia, 1993.

c. Book chapters

Last name, First name initial; Last name, First name initial. (Year). "Chapter title". In Last name, First name initial. (ed./coord./dir.). Book title. Edition number. Place of publication: Publisher. Vol. Page numbers.

Please note that the language used in the reference must coincide with that of the document being referenced. In each case, use the forms: Dins (Catalan), En (Spanish), In (English), etc.


  • Traugott, E. C.; König, E. (1991). "The Semantics-pragmatics of Grammaticalization Revisited". Dins Traugott, E. C.; Heine, B. (ed.). Approaches to Grammaticalization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Vol. I. 189-218.
  • Kay, C. J.; Chase, Th. J. (1990). "Semantic approaches to an historical thesaurus". In Tomaszczyk, J.; Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (eds.). Meaning and lexicography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 303-313.

d. Articles in a magazine or journal

Last name, First name initial; Last name, First name initial. (Year). "Article title". Magazine/journal title Issue number. Page numbers.

If the magazine is numbered using volume and issue numbers, include volume number and, in parentheses, issue number.


  • Bresnan, J.; Kanerva, M. (1989). «Locative Inversion in Chichewa: A Case Study of Factorization in Grammar». Linguistic Inquiry 20. 1-50.
  • Tomasello, M. (2000). «Primate cognition». Cognitive Science 24 (3). 351-361.

e. Electronic resources

Last name, First name initial; Last name, First name initial. (Year). Title [type of resource: on-line/floppy disk/CD-ROM]. Place of publication: Publisher. URL [Access date: DD Month. YYYY].

When available, information not explicit in the resource but inferable through other data -such as place of publication or publisher-, can be included in brackets.


  • Rafel, J. (dir.) (1998). Diccionari de freqüències [cd-rom]. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
  • Merriam-Webster OnLine [on line]. [Springfield: Merriam-Webster, Inc.] [Acces date: 23 Jan. 2008].
  • Portal de dades lingüístiques [en línia]. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans. [Data de consulta: 18 de gener de 2006].

3. Poster presentation

Posters can contain any information the authors consider relevant and should not be larger that 70 (w) x 100 (h) cm (portrait orientation). We recommend using a readable font size and visual elements to make it attractive and easy to read.
 Euralex 2008. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. La Rambla 30-32. 08002 Barcelona

Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada Universitat Pompeu Fabra European Association for Lexicography