Institut de Lingüística Aplicada


Second European IAFL  Conference on Forensic Linguistics / Language and the Law

Call deadline: March 2, 2006

Note: Presentation slots will be 30 minutes long, including questions. The official language of the Second European IAFL Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language & the Law is English. So, asbtracts must be submitted in English.


Please follow the steps below to submit your abstract and contact information:

  1. Enter the title of your abstract and author(s) in desired order.
  2. Fill out Contact Author Information form (please enter all information required).
  3. If there are co-authors, please fill out Co-Authors form, excluding the contact author listed in Step 2.
  4. Read instructions for equipment requests
  5. Enter your abstract: type (or cut-and-paste) your abstract in the Abstract (Plain Text Only) area (you may not exceed 250-300 words ).
  6. Click "Submit".
  7. A confirmation page will be shown if your abstract is successfully received, and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you entered in the Contact Author Information area. If an error message is returned, please follow the instructions and repeat steps 1 to 6

EIAFL'06 Electronic Submission Form

New abstract submissions are no longer accepted.