The UPF_TERM terminology database can be consulted in a reading
mode, which enables to read data but not to modify them, and
in a reading and writing mode, which enables to both read
and modify data, that is to add, to modify and to delete
data from the data bank.
The bank access modalities are controlled by usernames and
passwords, which are different for each database of the data
bank. That is, every time a user wants to access to the final
degree project's database to consult it, he or she will have
to use a username and a password, but a different username
and password if he or she wants to access to edit it.
The usernames and passwords to consult the database in a
reading mode are public and are located at the end of the
description of each database from
the data bank.
The UPF_TERM data bank has a pretty complete online help,
accessible from the data bank interface, and by the moment
it is only available in English. The following instructions
explain how to log in and make the first searches at the data