Multilingual vocabulary of logistics

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Logistics is one of the business sectors that shows growing renewal, through new storage systems, the creation of large distribution centers, the need for nine interconnected and long-range transportation routes, technological and robotics development, and even , the integration of the social and environmental impact of mobility, among others.


The Multilingual Vocabulary of Logistics is a project developed by the Institute of Applied Linguistics (IULA) of the Pompeu Fabra University within the framework of a collaboration with the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) of the government of Québec (Canada), which is It is aimed primarily at students, professionals, researchers and linguistic mediators. It is a basic vocabulary in the Catalan language with definitions and equivalents in Spanish, English and French, built from the analysis of a corpus of specialized texts.


The constitution of the corpus and the initial preparation of terminological materials has been carried out by students of the subject Terminology Management (21544-20276) of the Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages ​​studies of the Pompeu Fabra University, from the 2012-2013 academic year. Members of the IULATERM (Lexicon and Technology) group have been responsible for reviewing and editing the dictionary. An expert review has been carrie out by Professor Rosa Colomé Perales from the Escola Superior de Comerç Internacional (ESCI), integrated within the UPF group, which has advised the project.