Vocabulary of Biofuels

Term search:


Multilingual Vocabulary of Biofuels


Project carried out in cooperation between the IULATERM group (Lexicon and Technology) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Pan-Latin Terminology and Neology Network REALITER. The search for information and the initial processing of terminological data have been carried out within the framework of the Terminology Management course (21544-20276) of the studies of Translation and Interpreting and Applied Languages at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in the 2011 -2012 academic year. The editing and reviewing work were done by the IULATERM group (Lexicon and Technology).


Most of the data for Catalan entries included in this vocabulary are also part of the Panlatin Biofuel Glossary of the REALITER Network, coordinated by the Bureau de la traduction, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada and published online in 2014.


Amor Montané March


Writing team:

Odile Bideau
Mercè Camps Navajas
Josep Ramon Espinet Claveria
Laia Fairen Jiménez
Deyana Ibrahim Abadir
Natividad Manzano Valdivia
Anne Lise Marechal
Amor Montané March
Gina Montserrat Cantí

Garazi Nieto Mayo

Laura Palau Raventós

Hyun Mi Park

Alba Pérez Collado

Laia Riera Turon

Sílvia Ruiz Pi

Lucía Saez Arias

Maria Serra Altarejos

Victòria Verger Aguilar











Gerard Alsedà, Amor Montané March, Òscar Pozuelo Ollé and Alex Rodríguez Castillejo (IULATERM group).


Mariona Arnau Garcia, Mercè Lorente Casafont, Jorge M. Porras Garzón and Laia Vidal Sabanés (IULATERM group).


Computational development: Institut de Lingüística Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Sèrie Materials, 12
Edition: October 2022
© Institut de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA-CER), Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Carrer Roc Boronat 138 - 08018 Barcelona


Collection design: Cass
Cover: Documenta Universitària
DOI: 10.31009/iula.2022.02