Vocabulary of Biofuels

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The Multilingual Vocabulary of Biofuels is intended for linguistic mediators (translators, technical writers, interpreters and other communicators) working on projects related to new energies and other related fields, such as Organic chemistry, Forest products, Agriculture and the Environment.


In order to select the nomenclature from frequency criteria, a textual corpus in Catalan language about the field was created, which includes scientific papers, teaching materials, online resources and dissemination texts.


The vocabulary comprises 309 entries in Catalan, most of which have been documented in real contexts of use and some of which are neological proposals. The entries are associated with the following thematic areas:


• Sources and raw materials
• Products
• Processes
• Management


Some names of organizations directly involved in the field are also included.


The information related to each entry is the definition, generally adapted from lexicographic and terminographic sources, the Spanish, English and French equivalents and, in some cases, denominative variants (synonyms or acronyms).


This resource has been completely elaborated with the Terminus 2.0 system, developed by the IULATERM group (Lexicon and Technology) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra: starting with the creation and analysis of the corpus, the creation of the terminology records, the revision and export to online vocabulary format and the incorporation in the terminology data bank PORTALTERM.